ClearTac Pad Yellow





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PolyPad 300 are Manufactured in Australia from new generation long lasting UV stable polymer. Installation is quick and easy. Pads are fixed to the substrate via a premium self-adhesive tar backing to ensure long lasting retention to all substrates including concrete, timber, and other non oil surfaces.

Clearview Tactiles Poly Pad series are designed to be installed onto pedestrian surfaces to assist in the orientation of people who are vision impaired and to give tactile warning to safely
navigate around in a built environment – detectable underfoot or by cane.


Sample ID Heading 1
Product: Poly Pad Yellow
Code: 300PY
Material: UV stable polymer
Overall Dimensions: 300 x 2.6mm
Insert Type: None
Product Warranty: 5 years
Slip Rating: P4
Compliance Code: AS/NZS1428.4.1:2009, BCA 2014
Fixing Method Self-adhesive


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